Friday, October 15, 2010

The October 2nd "Reunion".

We had great fall weather and a nice turnout. The Annunciation Pastor Fr. Jose Clavero celebrated the Mass assisted by Father Gerry Gallagher (class of 1943) and Deacon John Kelleher (class of 1950).
As usual, after Mass we went down to the Lower Church for some good camaraderie. I tried to get every one's picture but, unfortunately I missed a number of regular attendees. I'm sorry! The kid from Read's Camera store botched the job again. My eighth grade class had a basketball team and one time we were playing up at St. Elizabeths and I was going to take the pictures. Not one picture  came out. I'm getting a little better. Now I hope I get the names spelled correctly and on the right picture. Here goes...........

Tony Ramirez

George Ramirez

John O'Rourke

Dennis Murray

Tony Alva

Tommy Magner

Hugh Boylen

Margie Scott

John Scott

Ann Beackom

Jack Murphy

John Cassidy

John Lopez
John Croke

Bob McKenna

Martie Chambers

Ben Beackom

Mike McCaffery

Bob Conndly (Class of 1938)

John Keegan

Danny Sullivan

Eileen Ferrick

Jenny Clancy

Buddy Clancy

Jimmy Cavanaugh

Fr. Gerry Gallagher  (Class of 1943)

Jimmy Corcoran

John Talty

Andy Rodriquez

Billy Maher

Tom Sakel

Maureen Read and Mary McNicholas

Simone Purcell, Buddy Clancy, Pat Purcell

John Clancy, Maureen Clancy, Maureen Read

John Scott and Pat Dowd

Mr. and Mrs. John O'Rourke and Margie Wheatley (Maher)
After the reception was over I toured the neighborhood and took a few pictures of some of the old landmarks.

In John Scott's book there is a robbery at the Interboro Fur Storage building on 126th and Amsterdam. That building is now an apartment house and the awnings say it is The Mink Building.

Across the street from the Mink Building it is still there. It's that smelly old rotten live chicken market. The outside looks very neat but we all know what lingers inside.

This is the northwest corner of 133rd St. In "our" day I believe it was called the Alba Dept. Store. This is the store we altar boys went to for our collars. Mrs. Donohue and, at one time or another, all her daughters worked there. The Kneafsey's lived up stairs in the building.

Going north from the corner of 133rd St. one of these two stores was Robert's Deli. It was Betty and Robert, a great German couple and they made the best roast beef  that I ever had.

You can't see them, but behind these bushes lies the "Eagle Rocks" .Just to the left is where the "oval" used to be. On the right is the Music and Art H. S. building.

That's my wife Maureen sitting at the bar of the Dinosaur Bar B Q.  The address is 800 West 125th Street. It is in an area that is now known as Viaduct Valley or ViVa. We just called the area under the viaduct and when we were kids it was all meat packing plants. Now it is becoming a very upscale restaurant area. Maureen and I had dinner here and had a forty five minute wait for a table at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The food was great but nothing will replace Sherman's Bar B Q up on 152nd and Amsterdam at 4 o'clock in the morning.
 That's it for now. As I said in my last post, next up will be the north side of 135th from 511 to 535.